Adding attributes to subject to validate signers

Is there anyone familiar with implementing validation on the sign requests by means of adding attributes to the subject?

Our request results in a 500 error:

“tasks”: [
“id”: “task1”,
“daysToLive” : 7,
“documents”: [
“action”: “SIGN”,
“description”: “Letter of intent.pdf”,
“documentRef”: “{{documentID}}”,
“id”: “doc1”,
“source”: “SESSION”
“signatureMethods”: [
“handwritten”: true,
“name”: “idin-sign”,
“subject” :
“id” : “task1Subject1”,
“attributes” :[
“name” : “Gender”,
“value” : “1”,


"packagingTasks": [
        "id": "packagingTask1",
        "sendToArchive": false,
        "method": "pades",
        "notifications": [
                "id": "packagingNotification1",
                "recipient": "",
                "sender": "",
                "header": "Signicat - pades generated successfully [Benelux]",
                "message": "Dear,\n\nThe pades has been generated successfully\n\nRegards,\nSignicat",
                "type": "EMAIL",
                "schedule": [
                        "triggerStatus": "COMPLETED"
        "documents": [
                "taskId": "task1",
                "documentIds": [



Thank you for your questions. We’ve previously responded to you via our support system regarding this issue, but we’re happy to share some of the information here to make it visible for you and the rest of the community.

We’ve identified that the problem lies within the API connected to our old system. Currently, since we are focusing on developing a new API for the updated dashboard, any changes to the old API are not a priority at the moment. However, we have raised the issue, and a task has been created to address it.

As an alternative mitigation, you could implement logic on your end to ensure that the correct signing URL is sent to the intended signer, along with the appropriate task ID. This approach can help prevent unintended task completion.

Have a great day!