Blank name in MitId signature

What is the reason for a blank name in MitID document signature?(see attachment)
Is it because the person has required name protection in danish CPR register?
Is Signicat calling danish CPR register everytime a person is signing a document to verify a potential name protection?

Hi Peter,
Thank you for your questions.

We have previously responded to you via our support system about this, but want to share some of the information here as well to make it visible for the rest of our community members.

When receiving a response from MitID upon user authentication, an empty field will be returned if the customer has name and address protection enabled. Unlike NemID, which provided a prefilled name in such cases, MitID does not offer this feature, resulting in an empty signature field. Nonetheless, the attached .xml file will still include the UUID, which remains available for verifying the signature.

Have a great day!