How to add multiple signers to a document in Enterprise API

I’m trying to generate a signing order that would require two (or more) parties to sign the document before it is marked complete.

My guess is this has to be done by providing a signing task for both (/ all) parties. Do I then just create a packaging task to bundle both signed documents into a single document? How do I get a single bundle with both parties signatures?

Can such a url be generated during the creation of the signing order - so it could be sent with a some notification to the parties?

Hi Mats,
Yes you are correct, we utilize tasks to separate the different signees.
The notification schedule will dictate the notifications for the signees, here a mail with an URL will be sent to “”.

 "tasks": [
      "id": "task1",
      "profile": "default",
      "documents": [
          "id": "doc1",
          "action": "SIGN",
          "source": "SESSION",
          "description": "description",
          "documentRef": "{{document_id}}"
      "signatureMethods": [
          "name": "nbid",
          "type": "AUTHENTICATION_BASED"
    "notifications": [
          "id": "not1",
          "recipient": "",
          "sender": "",
          "header": "Signingorder created",
          "message": "Signing order sent to Ginny. ${taskUrl}",
          "type": "EMAIL",
          "schedule": [
              "triggerStatus": "CREATED"
      "id": "task2",
      "profile": "default",
      "documents": [
          "id": "doc2",
          "action": "SIGN",
          "source": "SESSION",
          "description": "description",
          "documentRef": "{{document_id}}"
      "signatureMethods": [
          "name": "nbid",
          "type": "AUTHENTICATION_BASED"
    "notifications": [
          "id": "not2",
          "recipient": "",
          "sender": "",
          "header": "Signingorder created",
          "message": "Signing order sent to Ginny. ${taskUrl}",
          "type": "EMAIL",
          "schedule": [
              "triggerStatus": "CREATED"
    "packagingTasks": [
            "id": "packagingtask-1",
            "sendToArchive": true,
            "method": "pades",
            "documents": [
                    "taskId": "task1",
                    "documentIds": [
                    "taskId": "task2",
                    "documentIds": [

Using GET{{order_id}}/packaging-tasks/packagingtask-1/result

will get you the packaged document, just remember to save it as an .pdf

So based on your answer I get the feeling you’ll have to poll for the packaged document. Isn’t there anything similar to onTaskComplete in tasks ? I guess packagingTasks/notifications/type = URL could be used. But message formatting doesn’t seem to be supported for packagingTasks/notifications - so order id and packaging task id are unknown when sending the notification.

“onTaskComplete” in “tasks” is where you redirect the end-user after the signing, I would strongly recommend against using that as a notification device.

You can setup the notifications in the packaging task, and in our API reference you can see an example on this: Sign REST API (v1) | Developer Pages

When you are using type = URL you can not use message-formatting.
But if you set up packagingTasks/notifications you will get requestId (order id) and packagingtaskId returned when the signing is completed.

Tried using packagingTasks/notifications/type = URL. Is it enabled on ?

It is, do you get an error message of some kind?

We do need to whitelist the notification URL in our proxy for it to work.
You can use as an already whitelisted solution.