I created test express account.
I can successfully add documents using express API.
I can sign the document with test bankid.
But I can`t find how to sign the document with BANKID APP method?
What is wrong?
Hey Andrii,
If you use the method name “no_bankid_netcentric” in Express sign it will ask for the end-users SSN. If that end-user has bankID App set up it will launch on the end-users bankID App automatically. The test end-user provided in our developer pages is not set up with BankID app. If you want to test out bankID App yourself, reach out to support@signicat.com and they will help you.
BankID has launched a new method where the end users can choose app/hardware/mobile themselves. I activated this method on your account. You can use it by specifying “no_bankid_oidc” in the signatureMethod.
Best regards,