(MitID) Android app switching


How will it be possible to switch to the MitID login box from an Android app?


This is handled seamlessly by the MitID core client. The MitID web application is loaded in a web view or browser, and when the user clicks on the link to use the code app, the switch should happen automatically. Likewise, switching back to the customer app or browser should happen automatically.

We have every confidence that this feature is in place by April 6, the preproduction date.

This post has been migrated from the previous community

We are having an issue with our integration which is similar in nature to this question.
We have an Android app that shows a WebView. At some point the user is redirected to Signicat MitID login flow and if you choose ‘Use this device’ it will launch the MitID app no problem.
But when you finish the authentication and MitID app is supposed to redirect back to our app, instead it simply opens the devices default browser (but does not navigate anywhere).

I’ve noticed that in the request to ‘appswitch.mitid.dk’ there’s a query-parameter called ‘returnUrl’ which is set to undefined, I’m not sure if that’s relevant?

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Hi Bjarke,

We are facing the same issue too, did you manage to solve that problem? It will be very helpful if you shared your solution.

Best Regards


When it comes to MitID app switching, there are multiple factors to consider for each specific integration case, therefore we suggest you reach out to support@signicat.com for further assistance.

Thank you!