Show one ID Providers only


I am trying out the OIDC integration currently. I have the following situation and question:

I have enabled 4 IDPs as shown in the image below:

So, if I want to show just one of them to a user based on some query param when the OIDC request gets initiated, is it possible? Using acr_values, I can control specific end-providers. For example I can use "acr_values=ftn_idp:op" to take user through OP’s auth flow - but, this is only possible after user first selects FTN.

What I would like is a control at the top idp level. So that I can dynamically show users either FTN or Suomi.Fi or Swedish BankID, based on user’s variable (ex: location). I mean, in my implementation I will have mapping of user-variables and the params that Signicat needs. Is it possible in any way?


Hi Amarjeet,
Thank you for your questions.

We have previously responded to you via our support system about this, but want to share some of the information here as well to make it visible for the rest of our community members.

To select idp by the use of ACR values, it would look like this:


As for selecting the ACR value based on the end-user, this logic would be handled on your side. This could, for example, be done by the end-user having a language or country selection before the authentication is starting.

Have a great day!