SSO using MitID - OIDC

I am testing MitID for SSO in ServiceNow with demo express account.
I have setup allowed scope in OIDC clients as “openid”, “mitid-extra”, “profile”.

New identity is created from MitID Test Tool where I set email address as
The user with the same email address is already in ServiceNow.
When the user attempts to login, MitID verifies successfully and redirects to ServiceNow URL, howerver the user gets logout. In ServiceNow, the claim is set to ‘email’.
When I check the log, it shows “Unable to get user based on the claim defined for …”

What am I missing to configure?

Your support is highly appreciated.

Hello Padam,

MitID have email linked to the users, but that info is unfortunately not available in the response from the authentication. MitID store this email address for internal use. Email is not available from any of the Nordic eIDs.

I’m not 100% sure if I answered your question so I’ll add some additional info as well:
If you are looking for a way to transfer the MitID authentication to another service provider we have that documented here: Authentication | Developer Pages

I’m happy to set up a call to discuss this and other possible ways to solve your use case. Just let me know!

Best regards,
Erik Dukefoss