Test app for MitID


I was hoping I could register the MitID app for test usages, to be able to verify app switching, but I’m un able to register the MitID app from Google Play for my test account. How can I achive this?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Øyvind,
Thank you for your questions.

We have previously responded to you via our support system about this, but want to share some of the information here as well to make it visible for the rest of our community members.

You can’t use the MitID app from google play for the test-app as it only works for the production environment. For this you will have to use the app from the following url:


Here is a guide on how to get it set up:

  1. Go to the test tool, where you can view your test user:
    PP environment: MitID Test Tool
  2. Click “Register MitID app” in the top right section of the page
  3. Select high/substantial according to what AEL you want (which directly impacts the LoA)
  4. Click “Register”. You will now see an activation code and a PIN.
  5. Open the MitID app (if you get an error message, please read the note about the FT environment above) and start registration.
  6. Complete the registration process by typing in the activation code and PIN you got earlier, into the MitID app.