Test data for Account Holder Verification API

Hi All,

I’m new to Signicat and currently trying the Information APIs.

I’d like to see how the Account holder verification works but seems there’s’ no test data available to check the output. Can someone give an idea how should I start using this API?


Hi Damith, You can find the test data for the KAR source here below:

NO (KAR datasource): Test data | Developer Pages

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Hi Sushil,

Thanks a lot. I was bit confused since the API doc it mentioned the account no in IBAN format and in the test data was not in IBAN format. Can you explain the relationship with the id, accountNumber with the IBAN format?

My basic idea is validate if entered IBAN is belonging to correct person /organization. Therefore my input is in IBAN format so need some understanding.

My other question is that is this works in Sweden also and do you have any test data?


Hi Damith,

For Norway (KAR as source), you should be using the account number+Fødelsnummer for persons.
account number+OrgNr for Organisations.


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